Sunday 20 May 2018

Mayhem Part 3

Hello Hobby Zoners!

So here we have the last part of my write up of the Mayhem 40K Tournament.

My Game 4 was against Lewis. He was running Death Guard with Mortarion himself.

This was another tough game. I faced a line of Cultists which made deepstriking my Deathwing impossible, some Plague Crawlers, Death Guard Marines, Mortarion, and a Blight Drone.
I placed my Land Raider and Deredeo centrally to cover the angles, my Company Veterans and my Chaplain to cover the right flank. I held my Deathwing in reserve.

Lewis advanced Mortarion and his Blight Drone. they closed on my LR and the Deredeo.
The Plague Crawlers bombarded my position from afar. He also slowly advanced his line of Cultists. The Plague Crawlers were a real pain as they were able to hit my positions with impunity. I already experienced this in my first game against Dave's Death Guard Force.

I did what shooting I could with the LR and my Deredeo. Chipping away at Mortarion and the Blight Drone. Over the course of several turns I lost the LR. The Blight Drone engaged my Vets with its corrosive flamers but I managed to destroy it with concentrated fire from the Vets and my Deredeo. 

Mortarion was extremely tough and his special abilities were tricky to deal with. But after teleporting my Deathing in and concentrated fire from them and my Deredeo I managed to Kill Mortarion. I think it was pretty close in VP but Lewis won the game in the end. 

So this was my last game and another enjoyable one. I played 4 really nice players who made the games alot of fun and though the lists each one brought were formidable I still enjoyed the day immensely.

Till next time Hobby Zoners! Takecare.

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